So, I needed a change and thought, "Why paint? Let's wallpaper!!" The idea sounded great and easy and when I got my wallpaper, I was ready to wallpaper the entire house, but now that the project is over, we will wait a little while. You would think that after all the years that wallpaper has been around, some one would have found an easier way to do this that didn't include frustration and language that children shouldn't hear!!!
This is Carrie helping me out. She was the photographer and recorded this lovely memory.

Presli Jo was worn out by the whole process. She decided to give up and just go to sleep so she didn't have to watch.

Almost done and I ran out of wallpaper. Had to wait a week to get some more.
Ta Da!!! The finished project! I absolutely love it and hanging wallpaper isn't all that bad??????