I have been telling stories of Stockton - my climber - and my mom told me I needed to write these down. So here they are for all to read. Caleb and Mya never climbed like Stockton does. He climbs on everything. He even pushes his little Lightening McQueen car around so he has a portable climbing stool. I will find him up in the bathroom sinks, looking out the window and turning lights on and off by standing on his 'portable stool'.
While I was in the shower the other day, Mya came in and asked, "Stockton was running with scissors and fell, is he going to die?" I asked if he was bleeding, no was the answer, so I told her he was not going to die. I then asked her what scissors he was running with. She told me they were my 'Super Shears' from my knife block. The little stinker had climbed up my drawers, walked around the cupboards, over the sink, over the stove and to the knife block. Retrieved the scissors, walked back around and climbed down then proceeded to sprint. I about died!!!
We colored the obligatory eggs for easter. Mya and I were downstairs getting hair done, etc. When we came upstairs, there was Stockton. He had climbed up the stool and was standing on top of the bar and throwing the colored easter eggs all over the kitchen. Each egg is now cracked without even having to roll them down a hill.
He is also an escape artist. I was hanging clothes up downstairs and could feel a cold draft as I came up the stairs. The door to the garage was open and Stockton was gone! I had my few seconds of panic, but found him in the garage playing basketball.
I just can't quite keep up with him! I feel like I am three steps behind him all day long! I have purchased some door safety locks so he can't escape, but I haven't quite found a solution for the climbing. The knives have been moved to the tallest cupboard possible. Wish me luck! I still have a month until the terrible twos!