On to better things...This is our drive through the mountains on conference Sunday in October. The leaves were so pretty and it was 90 degrees, even on top!!!! It was beautiful. We are so lucky to live here and be surrounded by these beautiful mountains and the changing of the seasons.

Mya's kindergarten class visited the Pumpkin Walk this year. This is always a fun thing to do. At the end they have all of these cut-outs that the kids can play in. I thought these were so cute, even Stockton loved it. 
Mya - always a princess!!!!!

Mya - always a princess!!!!!

Now, here we are cutting Christmas trees in our winter wonderland. It has been a long time since we have had this much snow for Thanksgiving. We couldn't even get into our usual spot for tree cutting this year. We just had to pull off the side of the road. The snow was up to our waists in places. The kids had a ball sledding, but they got worn out pretty quick. We got some pretty trees and the snow even made it more fun!