Happy Birthday Mya! 5 years old - going on 15!! What a great and busy day we've had!

First, we had to bake and decorate the Barbie cake. Mya and Caleb did a great job!

Then we had a princess birthday party. All of the neighborhood friends and cousins came over. We decorated crowns and wands. Drank pink lemonade and ate princess sugar cookies. Then all the princesses lined up for pictures and dancing in the courtyard.

Even Presli Jo dressed up, danced and giggled. It was a great day!! We love Mya so much and we are so happy she is part of our family. She keeps up hopping with all the questions and talking. She loves to play with her cousins and friends and is way excited for kindergarten.
What a fun birthday party! Happy Birthday Beans! All the little princess look so cute all dressed up. Where did you get all those good ideas? ;)
oh, it looks SO very fun! i love that little presli jo got in on the action. fun stuff!!
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